Some Google apps along with the popular messaging app Signal now appear to be blocked inside Myanmar, residents told Radio Free Asia this week. Several residents said they had been unable to access either the encrypted messaging service or Google apps except when using a virtual private network, or VPN. The junta has not released a statement saying they have blocked the apps, but the military government has banned a range of messaging apps, social media apps, and VPNs since coming to power in a February 2021 coup. Signal, which allows users to securely message, call, and send files, has become particularly popular in recent years. Chit Oo, who works on the Thai-Myanmar border, told RFA that he has been speaking with his parents through Signal ever since Facebook Messenger was blocked in 2021. His parents live in Mandalay, which has faced fierce fighting in recent weeks. “Since the last week of June, Signal has been difficult to use...